Our values

Values have been shown to influence our attitudes and behaviours. They represent our guiding principles and our broadest motivations, influencing the attitudes we hold and how we act. Values also connect to the heart as well as the head. Māori have a long tradition of action based on tikanga Māori values (Māori culture values).

What are the ActionStation values?

In creating our People’s Agenda our members said they value:

EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS: Equality together with fairness recognises different starting points and pathways to enjoying the same rights and freedoms.

KAITIAKITANGA: Custodianship: care and responsibility for taonga (that which you treasure), especially nature.

AROHA: Love, empathy and compassion for all without discrimination.

COMMUNITY AND BELONGING: Togetherness with the purpose of mutual care, support and creative enhancement.

MANAAKITANGA: Hospitality, kindness, respect, generosity and care for others without expecting anything in return.

These are not the only values that people talked about, but these were the ones people talked about most often. Other values our members talked about include: curiosity, learning and creativity, wairuatanga, whanaungatanga and rangatiratanga.

All of these values are important, interconnected, and to some extent interdependent.

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